with nothing to do but continue....
At times in light, at times in night,
sometimes embraced, sometimes abandoned,
is it ever any different for you?
The Sunday-school song which programed my POV (point of view),
"this world is not my home, I'm just a passin' through---"
I've felt its truth, haven't you?
Yet this current, this reality matrix I stand upon is so extremely fluid,
so ungraspable by my solid-reality-seeking linear mind---
even constantly sitting at the feet of the best cosmic consciousness transmitters
I have been able to 'find'
has left my 'I' as yet dominating this still-seperate one.
Ah, the paradoxes of destroying 'me'.
How exquisite, that union the 'I' thought seeks, when tasting that,
there exists no 'I'.
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