Everyman's Journal

an ongoing journey of awakening...

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Location: Southwestern USA

Professionally acknowledged as a pioneering master of modern spiritual impressionism, Rev. David Seacord's award-winning fine art imagery continues to garner increasing recognition for its "unique, non-derivative, non-constrained" portrayals of a universe "alive with self-awareness". Intended as perceptual doorways, his growing painting legacy is offering viewers world-wide both "an important new form of impressionistic beauty" containing "an unusual integration of the indigenous with the ultramodern", as well as "providing an intimate access to the dreamtime and the mystical". 

 USA-born in 1948 of Native American and European ancestry, Rev. David Seacord has been a lifelong creative artist, expressing primarily as a musician and writer before discovering himself as a painter at the age of 50. Based from Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA since 1980, he exhibits his work in many selected physical and on-line fine art venues, as well via his personal website (www.davidseacord.com) of several hundred recent and archival works.

Thursday, March 06, 2003

Like a blank canvas,
blank pages are 'art in waiting':
as this mind quiets, focuses,
it becomes receptive to impulses of the unexpressed
arising like bubbles into the conscious awareness.
Words appear,
representing semi-crystal thought structures
whose facets are magnetized at will,
adjusting their interconnectedness this way and that,
searching for the perfect utterance---
perfect in the sense of reflecting the trueness existing
in the depths of beingness.
With regular 'exercise',
this 'trueness' becomes 'living presence'.

Therefore, I am being guided to set aside
empty time,
and to practice empty mind.
Thus do I find,
like a diamond hunter,
the many-jeweled teachings,
hidden in plain view
in the midst of everyday life.