Everyman's Journal
an ongoing journey of awakening...
About Me
- Name: Rev. David Seacord
- Location: Southwestern USA
Professionally acknowledged as a pioneering master of modern spiritual impressionism, Rev. David Seacord's award-winning fine art imagery continues to garner increasing recognition for its "unique, non-derivative, non-constrained" portrayals of a universe "alive with self-awareness". Intended as perceptual doorways, his growing painting legacy is offering viewers world-wide both "an important new form of impressionistic beauty" containing "an unusual integration of the indigenous with the ultramodern", as well as "providing an intimate access to the dreamtime and the mystical". USA-born in 1948 of Native American and European ancestry, Rev. David Seacord has been a lifelong creative artist, expressing primarily as a musician and writer before discovering himself as a painter at the age of 50. Based from Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA since 1980, he exhibits his work in many selected physical and on-line fine art venues, as well via his personal website (www.davidseacord.com) of several hundred recent and archival works.
Saturday, March 30, 2002
Tuesday, March 26, 2002
Umacharan had hear of the Baba from friends, so when he chanced upon the poster announcing the Baba was to come to America, he decided to make a long pilgrimage to see him. And during that journey, as God would have it, he spent the night as guest of people who knew some secrets of the Way.
Even thusly prepared, Umacharan was greratly astonished when, the instant his eyes first saw the Baba, he beheld the shimmering blue secret mark (on the forehead between the eyes) that confirmed the Perfection of Mastery. After a few seconds, the irridescence faded, revealing under it the normal red-painted hindu third eye, and leaving Umacharan certain of what he seen, yet slightly confused. As if to answer any doubt, the Baba, walking past Umacharan, reached out and touched him on the arm.
That evening as he meditated, Umacharan experienced powerful, spontaneous 'kriyas' for the first time, a sure sign that his sleeping kundalini had been awakened by the Grace of the Baba's touch. Thus, he embarked as a new-born being, upon a long, unending journey, which rightly began as a simple teaching of doubt and faith.
Monday, March 25, 2002
Daud said secretly, silently to God,
"What must I do?"
"You have done it,"
God answered,
infinitely more quietly,
"by your desire I have taken your hand....
now, we walk the Way together..."
Sunday, March 24, 2002
I give you thanks, God....
As I breathe the slow breath of yogic attunement,
and I feel the graditude in my heart rise up and wash the world with freshness,
I give you thanks, God....
As I feel the chilling March winds blasting my nakedness
like a mothers hand scrubbing her infant,
I give you thanks, God.....
......for just my being Alive,
and Here,
held in your all embracing Is-ness.
From beyond the awesome,
eternal, and infinite,
you kiss my heart,
unblinding me to the Grace of your Presense
in the overlooked and commonplace.
Saturday, March 23, 2002
For the Grace you have shown,
the lessons you have offered,
the peace you forever lead me toward
whenever I forget that You Are the Only Reality.
May I remain humble to your unfolding Diamond Flower within me,
standing only on your True Knowledge.
May all Beings be Freed from fear and suffering.
May my life be of use in Your service.
Friday, March 22, 2002
use both 'Time' and 'the Now' to Be,"
the Shiva spirit said to Daud's crucified personal heart.
"Do not resist
those that destroy---
they only bring closer the ultimate Freedom,
where no 'separated you' remains."
Listening thusly to Wisdom,
Daud learns of Joy
in suffering that is not suffering,
knowing his God loves the willing.....
Thursday, March 21, 2002
He dreamed he was bound on a medevial torture rack, dying in horrendous pain, when suddenly he began to laugh uncontrolably. His torturer, compelled to inquire, demanded to know "Why are you laughing?". Daud replied, "Because I have just seen how absolutely free God is within this Creation.... That you, dear torturer, were my own dear mother in another lifetime; and that the Divine now chooses to use our soul-bond in the most opposite way imaginable, in order to teach my soul the true meaning of Freedom.....and Love."
At that, Daud awoke in his habitual body, but into a completely transformed world. Thus did he learn to practice being grateful for all situations, and to be compassionate towards everyone.
Wednesday, March 20, 2002
(Like Confusius)
Prasad says,
"Don't believe your mind."
And Papaji says,
"Wait and See..."
And Gangaji says,
"That's right, just don't 'get into it'...."
So Daud the thinker
circles the doorway
seeking the Opening,
like the "fish that is thirsty",
while Daud the Lover
is simply Silent.
Entry B.
"Near Prescott..."
the wild and rebellious scream--
driver of this lifetimes imaginings--
is stopped dead in its tracks
by the ten seconds of mindlessness,
when met eye to eye,
by the true aliveness
of a roadrunner just being itself.