Everyman's Journal

an ongoing journey of awakening...

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Location: Southwestern USA

Professionally acknowledged as a pioneering master of modern spiritual impressionism, Rev. David Seacord's award-winning fine art imagery continues to garner increasing recognition for its "unique, non-derivative, non-constrained" portrayals of a universe "alive with self-awareness". Intended as perceptual doorways, his growing painting legacy is offering viewers world-wide both "an important new form of impressionistic beauty" containing "an unusual integration of the indigenous with the ultramodern", as well as "providing an intimate access to the dreamtime and the mystical". 

 USA-born in 1948 of Native American and European ancestry, Rev. David Seacord has been a lifelong creative artist, expressing primarily as a musician and writer before discovering himself as a painter at the age of 50. Based from Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA since 1980, he exhibits his work in many selected physical and on-line fine art venues, as well via his personal website (www.davidseacord.com) of several hundred recent and archival works.

Wednesday, March 19, 2003

A whispered instruction
from emptiness
countered my conscious intention,
and I almost missed it,
Life rolled along,
and (naturally...)
confirmed the whisper.

By being silent,
and deeply listening to the voice
of the Way,
I find the path
most perfect.

Friday, March 14, 2003

Faint clues have always lain through-out my life
as a constant whispering reminder
that 'things' are not as they seem to be.
Isn't this wonderful?
Like a background sound
which disappears from awareness
in the speed and haste
of busyness,
or, like the walls of a canyon which
eventually I blindly bump against,
these faint whispers prick at me--
at first, from deep in my dreams of denial,
until the sharpness of the point increases enough
to get my attention.
What a blessing that life would love me so!
How grateful I am learning to be
to the unnameable Godness
which has designed such a perfect universe
for this one to live within,
excluding nothing,
including all,
--- pains and sorrows,
joys and triumphs---
and finally,
at the last,
open access to simple endless silence.

Monday, March 10, 2003

To be free and self-honest enough
to be authentically magnetic,
alert to seeing deeply into who is attracted,
to offer sincerely the best you have freely,
laying no entrapments,
that they may receive as they will
and leave when they choose, enriched,
as an extension of your own selfness,
this is the pure work of the healed,
the truly whole....
living daily the bodhisattva example.

Thursday, March 06, 2003

Like a blank canvas,
blank pages are 'art in waiting':
as this mind quiets, focuses,
it becomes receptive to impulses of the unexpressed
arising like bubbles into the conscious awareness.
Words appear,
representing semi-crystal thought structures
whose facets are magnetized at will,
adjusting their interconnectedness this way and that,
searching for the perfect utterance---
perfect in the sense of reflecting the trueness existing
in the depths of beingness.
With regular 'exercise',
this 'trueness' becomes 'living presence'.

Therefore, I am being guided to set aside
empty time,
and to practice empty mind.
Thus do I find,
like a diamond hunter,
the many-jeweled teachings,
hidden in plain view
in the midst of everyday life.

Wednesday, March 05, 2003

Seems I have been walking through a no-man's-land,
with nothing to do but continue....
At times in light, at times in night,
sometimes embraced, sometimes abandoned,
is it ever any different for you?

The Sunday-school song which programed my POV (point of view),
"this world is not my home, I'm just a passin' through---"
I've felt its truth, haven't you?
Yet this current, this reality matrix I stand upon is so extremely fluid,
so ungraspable by my solid-reality-seeking linear mind---
even constantly sitting at the feet of the best cosmic consciousness transmitters
I have been able to 'find'
has left my 'I' as yet dominating this still-seperate one.

Ah, the paradoxes of destroying 'me'.
How exquisite, that union the 'I' thought seeks, when tasting that,
there exists no 'I'.

Sunday, March 02, 2003

This morning, the act that 'woke me up' was simply taking off my socks.
I suddenly became present to a clear choice:
'do' the action 'impeccably Zen'
(folding them and lay them on my shoes),
or let the act 'happen unconsciously'
(drop them on the floor as I head to the shower)....

In that microsecond insight,
I also saw all life constantly offers the exact same choice....
each instant becoming an opportunity to be present THIS moment,
(meaning to have let go of clinging to anything....
and yet at the same time to be fully engaged and awake)
recognizing how the 'path' is being created THIS moment,
the point the entire actually real universe sources from.

Infinitely repeated,
the never ending choice to be present
surrounds my life, your life, all life.
It is always available if quietness is deep enough.
I continually find only counterfeit, temporary happinesses
in any other use of awareness,
especially if oriented toward 'future' or 'past'.
And, the subliminal anxiety I can often feel
running through my mind and body
when 'not fully in the now',
when over-concerned with mentally created projections,
what purpose does it serve
excepting the perpetuating of suffering?

Therefore, the Way teaches each of us desirelessness,
as we are willing to learn.